The trilobita as a natural group
Morphological terms applied to Trilobita
Larvae and Relationships of the Calymenina (Trilobita)
Ontogeny and Relationships of Trinucleoidea (Trilobita)
Relationships of Cambrian Arachnata and the Systematic Position of Trilobita
Oryctocephalids (Corynexochida: Trilobita) of the Lower-Middle Cambrian Boundary Interval from California and Nevada
Ontogeny of Trimerocephalus lelievrei (Trilobita, Phacopida) in relation to paedomorphosis: a morphometric approach
Ontogeny and Systematics of Toernquistiidae (Trilobita, Proetida) from the Ordovician of the Argentine Precordillera
Ontogeny of Trimerocephalus Lelievrei (Trilobita, Phacopida), a Representative of the Late Devonian Phacopine Paedomorphocline: A mo...
Ontogenies of Some Ordovician Telephinidae from Argentina, and Larval Patterns in the Proetida (Trilobita)