No doubtmillions ofAmericanswould beappalledtoseereligiousleadersritualisticallyblessingcontraceptives.
Typically,the preliminaryfilmwasonanAfricanyouthbeingritualisticallycircumcisedwithadullknifeandwithoutanyanesthetic.
Gamalhimself,half-jokingwithfriendsandacquaintancesevenasheritualisticallydeniedpresidentialaspirations,preferredto speakof theKennedys,the Bushes, and the Clintons.
Prevalence of child psychological, physical, emotional, and ritualistic abuse among high school students in Mpumalanga Province, Sou...Meditations Upon GriefA philosophical case for the live broadcast of the Olympic Games’ opening and closing ceremoniesStar Spangled Saints: Ritual Practices that Legitimate War and Violence in the American ChurchCSI (Crime Scene Investigation)The United States as Number 2INVITED PAPER: INFORMATION THEORY IN WILDLIFE SCIENCE: CRITIQUE AND VIEWPOINTAcetylcholine and Hallucinations - Disease-Related Compared to Drug-Induced Alterations in Human ConsciousnessINFORMATION THEORY IN WILDLIFE SCIENCE: CRITIQUE AND VIEWPOINTSoap opera viewing motivations and the cultivation process