Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in the United StatesIL28B is associated with response to chronic hepatitis C interferon-|[alpha]| and ribavirin therapyEstimating progression to cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis C virus infection.Once-daily simeprevir (TMC435) with pegylated interferon and ribavirin in treatment-naive genotype 1 hepatitis C: the randomized PIL...Task force 1: the changing profile of congenital heart disease in adult lifeSpontaneous viral clearance following acute hepatitis C infection: a systematic review of longitudinal studiesEmbryonic Development and InductionEstimation of stage-specific fibrosis progression rates in chronic hepatitis C virus infection: a meta-analysis and meta-regression.Subclinical coeliac disease in schoolchildren from northern SardiniaThe role of nitrogen fixation in biogeochemical cycling in the subtropicalNorth Pacific Ocean