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    1. [P]正当的,适当的,合法的,符合要求的 (of conduct, actions, etc.) morally good; required by law of duty
    2. 对的,正确的,准确的 true or correct
    3. [A]右边的,右方的 on or towards the side of the body which is towards the east when a person faces north
    4. 切合实际的,最适宜的,最恰当的 best in view of the circumstances; most suitable
    5. 良好的,正常的 in a good or normal condition
    6. [A]真实的,完全的 real; complete
    1. 准确地,直接地 exactly (in position, time, etc.); directly
    2. 彻底地,完全地 all the way; completely
    3. 向右,往右 the right side
    4. 正确地,恰当地,令人满意地 correctly; satisfactorily; properly
    5. 立即,马上immediately
    1. [U]正确,正当,公正,正义 what is good, just, honourable, etc.
    2. [C][U]权利 proper claim to sth, or authority to do sth; thing one may do or have by law
    3. [U]右边,右面 right-hand side or direction
    4. [C]右手,右手拳 right hand
    5. [P]法定权利或要求 legal authority or claim
    1. vt. 使回复到适当的〔正确的、直立的〕位置 return itself/sth to a proper, correct or upright position
    2. vt. 纠正,改正 correct itself or sth



    用作形容词 (adj.)
    • right angle直角
    • right answer正确的回答
    • right bank右岸
    • right eye右眼
    • right hand右手
    • right line直线
    • right mind心智正常
    • right person最合适的人选
    • right side右,右边,右侧
    • right time准确的时间
    • right turn右拐
    • right way正确的路线
    • all right行,好,没问题
    • just right正好
    • quite right非常正确,极是
    • look all right看起来还可以
    • right about在…上正确
    • right in(做)…是正确的
    用作副词 (adv.)
    • do right做得对
    • fall right直接摔下
    • go right直接走
    • guess right猜得对
    • look right向右看
    • read right彻底地读
    • turn right向右拐
    • right back马上回来
    • right here就在这里
    • right over整个翻了
    用作名词 (n.)
    • attack right攻右翼
    • deliver a right出右拳
    • keep the right靠右走
    • take a right向右拐弯
    • throw a right挥右拳
    • turn to the right向右拐弯
    • abdicate right放弃权利
    • abuse right滥用权利
    • achieve a right获得权利
    • claim a right要求权利
    • defend the right维护正义
    • deny a right不给权利
    • enjoy a right享受权利
    • exercise one's rights行使权利
    • gain a right获得权利
    • give up one's right放弃权利
    • have the right享有权利
    • hear the rights听取真相
    • ignore sb's right无视某人的权利
    • lose one's right丧失权利
    • maintain one's right坚持权利
    • procure the right获得权利
    • protect sb's rights保护某人的权利
    • safeguard sb's rights保护某人的权利
    • sign away a right签字放弃权利
    • do sb right公平待人
    • give sb the right给某人权利
    • democratic rights民主权利
    • divine right神赐予的权利
    • equal right平等权利
    • full right全权
    • grazing rights放牧权
    • hereditary right世袭的权利,继承权
    • inalienable rights不可剥夺的权利
    • individual rights个人权利
    • inherent rights固有的权利
    • inviolable right不容侵犯的权利
    • lawful rights and interests合法权益
    • legal right合法权利
    • mineral right矿产权
    • natural right天赋的权利
    • personal rights人权
    • political right政治权利
    • prescriptive rights约定俗成的权利
    • vested right既得权利
    • children's rights儿童的权利
    • civil rights民权
    • consumer's rights消费者权利
    • democratic right民主权利
    • enemy's right敌人的右翼
    • exclusive sale right专卖权
    • film rights制片权
    • human rights人权
    • intellectual property rights知识产权
    • parents' rights父母的权利
    • patent right专利权
    • patients' rights病人的权利
    • property rights财产权
    • states' rights国家的权利
    • women's rights妇女的权利
    • at right在右边
    • on the right在右边
    • to the right朝右边
    • by right正当地
    • by right of凭借…,由于…
    • in the right有理
    • be in right with得到…的喜爱
    • bill of rights权利法案
    • with a right有权
    • within one's right在…权利范围内
    • right of a free press自由出版权
    • right of a free speech言论自由权
    • right of education受教育的权利
    • right of operation经营权
    • right to…之权
    • right to the property财产继承权
    用作动词 (v.)
    • right car控制车
    • right economy恢复经济
    • right fault纠正错误
    • right mistake纠正错误
    • right the capsized yacht将倾覆的游艇翻过来


    ThetextbookisendorsedbythegovernmentwhichmeansJapanesegovernmentadmittedthefact,thoughsomerightest say something wrong.


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