- Treetop Village comes into play tapped.
树顶村落须横置进场。 - But when poachers carrying rifles or machetes traipse by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna.
而当偷猎者携带步枪或弯刀行走到探测器附近的时候,探测器就会发送一个无线电讯号到树顶的天线上。 - If the moon hangs venicosum, the wisps of pure treetop gentle water-like moonlight.
玉盘似的圆月挂上了树梢,那缕缕冰清玉洁的月光如水般温柔。 - Cards affected by this change are Elven Riders, Silhana Ledgewalker, Treetop Bracers, Treetop Rangers, and Treetop Scout.
Treetop Mating Aggregations of Pogonomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Effect of slope on treetop detection using a LiDAR Canopy Height Model
Treetop View of the Cathedral: Plant Variety Protection in South and Southeast Asian Least-Developed Countries
3D Treetop Positioning by Multiple Image Matching of Aerial Images in a 3D Search Volume Bounded by LIDAR Surface Models
Effects of height on treetop transpiration and stomatal conductance in coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
Individual Tree-Crown Delineation and Treetop Detection in High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Imagery
SLAM-based incremental convex hull processing approach for treetop volume estimation
Automated Individual Tree-Crown Delineation and Treetop Detection with Very-High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
Mechanical properties for a wet-processed fiberboard made from small-diameter lodgepole pine treetop material.
Single-tree forest inventory using LIDAR and aerial images for 3D treetop positioning, species recognition, height and crown width e...