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英 [prəʊ'neɪtə]
美 ['proʊˌneɪtə]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    pronator[ prəu'neitə, 'prəun- ]

    • n.a muscle that produces or assists in pronation



    Pronator quadratus revisited.
    The pronator quadratus muscle flap
    Pronator quadratus pedicled bone graft for old scaphoid fractures
    Pronator muscle weakness in functional instability of the ankle joint.
    Persistent median artery as a cause of pronator syndrome
    Dynamic contributions of the flexor-pronator mass to elbow valgus stability
    Functional anatomy of the flexor pronator muscle group in relation to the medial collateral ligament of the elbow.
    Ulnar nerve decompression by transposing the nerve and Z-lengthening the flexor-pronator mass: Clinical outcome *
    Implantation of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve into the pronator quadratus for treatment of painful neuroma.
    Dynamic stability of the elbow: Electromyographic analysis of the flexor pronator group and the extensor group in pitchers with valg...