- Each foreleg carries a single dewclaw.
Cell lineage and differentiation on the male foreleg of Drosophila melanogaster ☆Structure and function of the tactile hair receptors on the cat's forelegEffect of histamine on small and large vessel pressures in the dog foreleg.The significance of foreleg positions in the interpretation of electrocardiograms and vectorcardiograms from research animals.Comparative morphology of the butterfly foreleg coxa and trochanter (Lepidoptera) and its systematic implications.Compliance, actuation, and work characteristics of the goat foreleg and hindleg during level, uphill, and downhill runningPostembryonic development of the complex tibial organ in the foreleg of the bushcricket Ephippiger ephippiger (Orthoptera, Tettigon...Morphological and physiological changes in central auditory neurons following unilateral foreleg amputation in larval cricketsGrooming and pollen manipulation in bees (Apoidea): the nature and evolution of movements involving the forelegThe relationship between the degree of paw preference and excitability of motor neurons innervating foreleg flexors in right- and le...