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trash talk

《trash talk》怎以读

英 [træʃ tɔ:k]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/t/bmlkk1vldk2.mp3"
美 [træʃ tɔk]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/t/bmlkk1vldk2.mp3"

《trash talk》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 学习《trash talk》怎么用


    Trash Talk
    Trash talk
    Trash talk
    The dark side of brand community: Inter-group stereotyping, trash talk, and schadenfreude
    ‘Trash-talk’ and the production of quotidian geopolitical boundaries in the USA–Mexico borderlands
    Trash talk rebuffed: consumers' defense of companies criticized in online communities
    Who Listens to Trash Talk?: Education and Public Media Effects on Recycling Behavior
    Trash talking, respect for opponents and good competition
    Normative rules for trash talk among college athletes: an exploratory study.
    Trash Talk in a Competitive Setting: Impact on Self-Efficacy, Affect, and Performance
    Trash talk in a competitive setting: Impact on self-efficacy and affect
    Sport's officials' reports of hearing trash talk and their responses to trash talk.
    Trash Talk by Fat: Chemerin as a Reactive Oxygen Species Provocateur in the Vasculature
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