henry ford n. 亨利·福特(人名,福特公司创始人)
ford motor福特汽车(美国汽车公司)
harrison ford哈里森·福特(美国著名影星)
gerald ford n. 杰拉尔德·福特(美国第38任总统)
ford foundation福特基金会(私人慈善机构)
ford focus福特福克斯(美国汽车公司)
- The stream was so deep that we could not ford it.
河水太深了,以致于我们无法涉水而过。 - She forded the river in a hurry.
- The soldier rode out of the ford with the scouts in advance.
侦察兵先涉过浅滩,战士们跟着安然渡过。 - This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river.
- This company has exclusive rights for the sale of Ford cars in the city.
这家公司享有福特汽车在本市的独家经销权。 - Messrs Ford and Dobson are piano repairers.
福特和杜伯森先生是钢琴修理师。 - Ford has a more competitive environment.
FORD A.B., MOSKOWITZ R.W., JACKSON B.A., JAFFE M.W.: Studies of illness in the aged
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Studies of Illness in the Aged: The Index of ADL: A Standardized Measure of Biological and Psychosocial Function