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subthreshold stimuli

《subthreshold stimuli》怎以读

[ˈsʌbˈθreʃhəuld 'stimjulai]

《subthreshold stimuli》是什么意思

  • 释义

    [医] 阈下刺激物;

  • 学习《subthreshold stimuli》怎么用


    Subthreshold Stimuli
    Intracerebral event-related potentials to subthreshold target stimuli
    Subthreshold stimulus-aided temporal order and synchronization in a square lattice noisy neuronal network
    Subthreshold resonance explains the frequency-dependent integration of periodic as well as random stimuli in the entorhinal cortex
    Subthreshold conditioning stimuli prolong human ventricular refractoriness
    Inhibition of premature ventricular extrastimuli by subthreshold conditioning stimuli
    Conditioning of H reflex by a preceding subthreshold tendon reflex stimulus.
    Effect of subthreshold target stimuli on event-related potentials.
    Amygdala Engagement in Response to Subthreshold Presentations of Anxious Face Stimuli in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Prel...
    Excessive sub-threshold motor preparation for non-target stimuli in normal aging
    subthreshold stimuli评论