Assessing the contribution of foraminiferan protists to global ocean carbonate production.
Controls on shell Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in cultured planktonic foraminiferan, Globigerinoides ruber (white)
Symbiotic photosynthesis in a planktonic foraminiferan, Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady), studied with microelectrodes
Biogeographic partitioning and host specialization among foraminiferan dinoflagellate symbionts (Symbiodinium; Dinophyta)
Actin and Ubiquitin Protein Sequences Support a Cercozoan/Foraminiferan Ancestry for the Plasmodiophorid Plant Pathogens
Oxygen and carbon isotopic fractionation and algal symbiosis in the benthic foraminiferan heterostegina depressa
Small Subunit Ribosomal DNA Suggests that the Xenophyophorean Syringammina corbicula1 is a Foraminiferan
Intra-shell boron isotope ratios in the symbiont-bearing benthic foraminiferan Amphistegina lobifera: Implications for δ11B vital e...
High genetic diversity and relative specificity among Symbiodinium -like endosymbiotic dinoflagellates in soritid foraminiferans