Transoceanic Migration, Spatial Dynamics, and Population Linkages of White Sharks
Patterns of Transoceanic Marine Biological Invasions in the Pacific Ocean
Transoceanic and interoceanic dispersal of coastal marine organisms : The biology of ballast water
Ocean Surface Winds Drive Dynamics of Transoceanic Aerial Movements
Wavelength Division Multiplexing in Long-Haul Transoceanic Transmission Systems
Bridging Troubled Waters: Biological Invasions, Transoceanic Shipping, and the Laurentian Great Lakes
Phylogeny, Radiation, and Transoceanic Dispersal of New Zealand Alpine Buttercups: Molecular Evidence under Split Decomposition
Phylogeography of Ptychadena mascareniensis suggests transoceanic dispersal in a widespread African‐Malagasy frog lineage
A comparative study of DPSK and OOK WDM transmission over transoceanic distances and their performance degradations due to nonlinear...
Tropical intercontinental disjunctions: Gondwana breakup, immigration from the boreotropics, and transoceanic dispersal.