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foot race

《foot race》怎以读

英 [fut reis]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/f/dtg02fv35db.mp3"
美 [fʊt res]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/f/dtg02fv35db.mp3"

《foot race》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 英英释义

    foot race

    • n.a race run on foot


    学习《foot race》怎么用


    1. He is a former national race walker.
    2. I won the potato sack race at field day.
    3. Halfway through the race he began to flag.
    4. The weather seemed favorable for the race.


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    Competing in value-based health care: keys to winning the foot race
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    C.C. Pyle's amazing foot race : the true story of the 1928 coast-to-coast run across America
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