- Preferably without a fontanel although a small one is allowed.
Anterior fontanel: size and closure in term and preterm infants
Bulging fontanel: a complication of tetracycline therapy in infants.
Cranial fasciitis of the anterior fontanel.
Anterior fontanel pressure responses in the awake and anaesthetized infant
Changes in anterior fontanel pressure in preterm neonates during tracheal intubation.
Congenital inclusion dermoid cyst of the anterior fontanel.
Pitfalls encountered in relating anterior fontanel pressure to intracranial pressure.
Changes in anterior fontanel pressure during cardiopulmonary bypass and hypothermic circulatory arrest in infants
Anterior fontanel pressure and visual evoked potentials in neonates and infants undergoing profound hypothermic circulatory arrest.
Evaluation of the distortion of EEG signals caused by a hole in the skull mimicking the fontanel in the skull of human neonates.