- No longer trammeled by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish.
Size selectivity of trammel nets in southern European small-scale fisheries
Discards from experimental trammel nets in southern European small-scale fisheries
Trammel net catch species composition, catch rates and métiers in southern European waters: A multivariate approach
Comparison of electrofishing and trammel netting variability for sampling native fishes
Selectivity and gear efficiency of trammel nets for kuruma prawn ( Penaeus japonicus )
Pingers as deterrents of bottlenose dolphins interacting with trammel nets
An experimental study of gill net and trammel net \'ghost fishing\' off the Algarve (southern Portugal)
Catches of target species and bycatches of an artisanal fishery: The case study of a trammel net fishery in the Portuguese coast
A comparison of the stress response and mortality of sea bream Pagrus major captured by hook and line and trammel net