- It is not easy to traduce his character.
Traducing the text
Traducing Solzhenitsyn
Traducing Bakhtin and Missing Heteroglossia
Traducing the Soul: Donne's "Second Anniversarie"
Traducing Software Voice-Pattern-Detection Applications into Hardware Systems
Traducing Ronsard and defining ‘originality’ in English love lyrics, 1582-1590
Traducing the Author: Textual (In)fidelity in E.A. Goodland’s Translation of Macunaíma
Violets in Crucibles: Translating, Traducing, Transmuting
The Origin of Donne's Soul ('Traducing the Soul - Donne's Second Anniversarie', by Ramie Targoff)
A Man for All Seasons Brought Low by Fiction ; by Traducing Sir Thomas More, Hilary Mantel's Novel Wolf Hall, Frontrunner for the Ma...