registered trademark注册商标
trademark law商标法
famous trademark著名商标;驰名商标
trademark infringement商标侵权;侵犯商标专用权
patent and trademark office专利与商标局
- Nobody has a trademark on it so the name is open.
尚无人用此商标,所以这个名字可以使用。 - Have you noticed the trademark on the bottle?
McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair CompetitionFunctions of Language in TrademarksTrademarks as an indicator of innovation and industrial changeTrademarks and Unfair Competition: Law & Policy (with M. Janis)Trademarks and Unfair Competition: Law & Policy (with M. Janis)Nonuse cancellation of used trademarks in VenzuelaIntellectual property : patents, trademarks, and copyright in a nutshellBilateral Agreement between Japan and China for the protection of trademarksEvaluating the Financial Impact of Branding Using Trademarks: A Framework and Empirical EvidenceThis copyright notice must be included in the reproduced paper. USENIX acknowledges all trademarks herein. Déjà Vu: A User Study U...