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sub-district office

学习《sub-district office》怎么用


  1. Aunt Wang of the sub district office hastens to pay the electricity bill for this month.
  2. Among them, the subdistrict office community is the key level of the city community physical culture.


The Innovation of Outsourcing Pubilc Services by Governments——Case Study of Xixiang Sub-district Office of Shenzhen City of Guangd...
Analysis of Human Resource Management in Sub-District Office
Merit System in The Placement of Civil Servants and its Effect toward Performance of Sub-district Office in Labuhanbatu Region Nort ...
Influence of Computer Based Management Information System to Improve Performance of Tambusai Tengah Sub-District Office Rokan Hulu R...
An Analysis of Wedding Services of the Sub-District Office of Religious Affairs Cipocok Jaya, Serang: Seen from Public Satisfaction ...
A Review and Prospect of the Research of the Sub-district Office in China
Peasants' Willingness to Return Idle Residential Land and Influencing Factors: A Case of Gaozhuang Sub-district Office of Laiwu City...
Social Function of After-School Education by Sub-district Office and Residents' Committee Organization Since 1949 to 1965
The Practice,Problem and Strategy of the Anti-drug AIDS Work Based on the Sub-district Office
Sub-District Office,to Dissolve or to Merge——Based on the Reform Path Analysis of "Nanjing,Beijing and Tongling Model"
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