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英 [kreɪk]
美 [kreɪk]


  • n.& vi.


  • 英英释义

    crake[ kreik ]

    • n.any of several short-billed Old World rails



    Medical treatment of refractory coronary artery spasm
    Six minute walking test for assessing exercise capacity in chronic heart failure.
    Is altered cardiac sensation responsible for chest pain in patients with normal coronary arteries? Clinical observation during cardi...
    Mechanisms of angina pectoris in syndrome X.
    Reduced coronary vasodilator function in infarcted and normal myocardium after myocardial infarction
    Effect of inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis on epicardial coronary artery caliber and coronary blood flow in humans
    Absence of myocardial dysfunction during stress in patients with syndrome X
    Delayed recovery of coronary resistive vessel function after coronary angioplasty.
    Percutaneous catheter fragmentation and distal dispersion of proximal pulmonary embolus.
    Regional changes in angiotensin II receptor density after experimental myocardial infarction.