- We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.
我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。 - They zeroed in on the suspicious man.
Focus on Formative Feedback
Shute VJ. Focus on formative feedback
Focus on Research Methods: Whatever Happened to Qualitative Description?
If bad is stronger than good, why focus on human strength?
Adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy: focus on orofacial effects.
An Ecosystem Perspective of Riparian ZonesFocus on links between land and water
The Self-Medication Hypothesis of Addictive Disorders: Focus on Heroin and Cocaine Dependence
Pharmacological management of persistent pain in older persons: focus on opioids and nonopioids.
Structural changes accompanying intramolecular electron transfer: Focus on twisted intramolecular charge-transfer states and structu...
An institutional-based view of international business strategy: A focus on emerging economies. Journal of International Business Stu...