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trade off

《trade off》怎以读

英 [treid ɔf]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/t/y4ecns015xu.mp3"
美 [treid ɔf]

Error loading: "https://img.banbaow.com/dict/mp3/t/y4ecns015xu.mp3"

《trade off》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    trade off

    • n.an exchange that occurs as a compromise


    学习《trade off》怎么用


    1. The company is prepared to trade off its up-market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.
    2. I'd like to see what chance I could find to trade off my ax handles.


    Trade off
    Testing Trade-Off and Pecking Order Predictions About Dividends and Debt
    On the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in half-duplex cooperative channels
    An Empirical Assessment of the Proximity-Concentration Trade-off Between Multinational Sales and Trade
    On the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in half-duplex cooperative channels
    Large Shareholders as Monitors: Is There a Trade-Off between Liquidity and Control?
    The Other Side of the Tradeoff: The Impact of Risk on Executive Compensation
    Choice in context: Tradeoff contrast and extremeness aversion.
    The Other Side of the Tradeoff: The Impact of Risk on Executive Compensation - a Reply
    The Other Side of the Trade-Off: The Impact of Risk on Executive Compensation Source
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