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英 ['treɪkɪɪd]
美 ['treɪkɪɪd]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    tracheid[ trə'ki:id, 'treiki- ]

    • n.long tubular cell peculiar to xylem



    Predicting wood and tracheid properties of Norway spruce
    Tracheid diameter is the key trait determining the extent of freezing-induced embolism in conifers.
    Intra-annual tracheid production in balsam fir stems and the effect of meteorological variables
    Rapid measurement of variation in tracheid transverse dimensions in a radiata pine tree
    Inter-tracheid pitting and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood: the role of tracheid allometry and cavitation protection
    The effects of tracheid dimensions on variations in maximum density of Picea glehnii and relationships to climatic factors.
    Effect of the water status within a tree on tracheid morphogenesis in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don
    Non-destructive estimation of Pinus taeda L tracheid morphological characteristics for samples from a wide range of sites in Georgia
    Analysis of Freeze-Thaw Embolism in Conifers. The Interaction between Cavitation Pressure and Tracheid Size
    Growth rate effects on temporal trajectories of ring width, wood density, and mean tracheid length in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L...