- The delicate traceries of frost on the window-pane were so beautiful.
TraceriesTRACERIESTraceriesThe Indian Temple Traceries by M. A. DhakyRambler's tale: The traceries of AhmedabadReview: The Indian Temple Traceries by M. A. DhakyThe investigation of Central Asia abr traceries« Traceries of the light » : modalités du lisible et de l'illisible dans l'œuvre de Gerard Manley HopkinsHARRISON, S.: Taking Flight / Traceries / Impresa Amorosa / Arcosolia / Aster (Kreutzer Quartet)The Indian Temple Traceries. By DhakyM. A.. pp. xix, 490, figs. 55, plates 348. New Delhi, American Institute of Indian Studies & D...