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  • v.

    分配( distribute的第三人称单数 );散发;分销;[常用被动语态]将…分类(into)

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 分配,分给 put parts of a set of things in different places; give or send out
    2. vt. 散发; 散播; 分布 spread out



    • v.
      • administer or bestow, as in small portions

        同义词:administermete outdealparcel outlotdispenseshell outdeal outdish outallotdole out

      • distribute or disperse widely


      • make available

        "The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia"

      • give out

        同义词:give outhand outpass out

      • cause to be distributed

        同义词:circulatepass aroundpass on

      • cause to become widely known

        同义词:circulatecircularizecircularisedisseminatepropagatebroadcastspreaddiffusedispersepass around

      • spread throughout a given area

        "the function distributes the values evenly"

      • be distributed or spread, as in statistical analyses

        "Values distribute"

      • be mathematically distributive
      • to arrange in a systematic order




    用作动词 (v.)
    • distribute bonuses分发红利
    • distribute cargoes分配货物
    • distribute grain分粮食
    • distribute leaflets散发传单
    • distribute magazines分送杂志(给订户)
    • distribute manure撒化肥
    • distribute the paint调油漆
    • distribute pictures分图片
    • distribute prizes发奖
    • distribute profits分利润
    • distribute far and wide分布很广
    • distribute equally平等分配
    • distribute evenly均匀地撒播
    • distribute fairly公平地分配
    • distribute irregularly有规律地分发
    • distribute quickly很快地撒播
    • distribute widely分布很广
    • distribute around弥漫着…气氛
    • distribute according to根据…分类
    • distribute according to subjects按科目分类
    • distribute among在…中分发
    • distribute among five winners在5位优胜者中分发
    • distribute into分成
    • distribute into three ranks分成三列横队
    • distribute into three stages分为3个阶段
    • distribute over在…中撒播
    • distribute over a field在田间散播
    • distribute round the class在全班分发
    • distribute to向…发放
    • distribute to the poor向穷人发放
    • distribute to students向学生发放


    1. Please distribute books among the students.
    2. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees.
    3. We distribute handbills on the street every weekend.
    4. Some types of plants are widely distributed.
    5. The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.


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