Toxotes joculatrix射水鱼
toxotes jaculator 射水鱼 ; 高射炮 ; 普通射水鱼 ; 射水鲈
Toxotes chatareus 射水鱼 ; 查达射水鱼
Rhacochilus toxotes粗唇海鲫
Toxotes oligolepis寡鳞射水鱼
Toxotes microlepis小鳞射水鱼
Toxotes lorentzi洛氏射水鱼
Toxotes blythii 缅甸豹纹高射炮 ; 布氏射水鱼
Toxotes jaculatrix射水鱼
Refraction and the Spitting Behavior of the Archerfish (Toxotes chatareus)Trophic position of archerfish species (Toxotes chatareus and Toxotes jaculatrix) in the Malaysian estuariesAspects of the reproductive biology of two archer fishes Toxotes chatareus , (Hamilton 1822) and Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas 1767)A comparison of behavioural (Landolt C) and anatomical estimates of visual acuity in archerfish (Toxotes chatareus)Natural Diet, Feeding and Predatory Activity of the Crabs Callinectes arcuatus and C. toxotes (Decapoda, Brachyura, Portunidae)Size, Growth and Age of Two Congeneric Archer Fishes (Toxotes jaculatrix Pallas, 1767 and Toxotes chatareus Hamilton, 1822) Inhabiti...Morphometric and meristic variation in two congeneric archer fishes Toxotes chatareus (Hamilton 1822) and Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas...Abundance, breeding and growth of Callinectes arcuatus Ordway and Callinectes toxotes Ordway (Decapoda, brachyura, portunidae) in ...Population growth, trophic level, and reproductive biology of two congeneric archer fishes ( Toxotes chatareus , Hamilton 1822 and T...MORPHOLOGISCH-ANATOMISCHE UND HISTOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN AM AUGE DES SCHÜTZENFISCHES TOXOTES JACÜLATRIX (Pallas 1766) (TOXOTIDAE...