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  • v.

    学习,研究( study的现在分词 );想出;详细地检查;背诵(台词等)

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 学; 学习; 研究 make efforts to acquire knowledge; work; learn
    1. [U] 学习,学业,读书 an act of studying one or more subjects
    2. [U] 研究 a thorough enquiry into a particular subject, especially including a piece of writing on it
    3. [C] 书房 a room used for learning



    • n.reading carefully with intent to remember

      同义词:perusalperusingporing over



    用作动词 (v.)
    • study a map仔细查阅地图
    • study economics学经济学
    • study engineering学工程学
    • study English学英语
    • study French学法语
    • study medicine学医
    • study painting学画画
    • study philosophy学哲学
    • study Shakespeare研究莎士比亚的作品
    • study the menu细阅菜单
    • study the needs of the people研究人民的需要
    • study the next move考虑下一步行动
    • study the problem研究这个问题
    • study the programme细阅节目单
    • study the social matters研究社会问题
    • study the structure of the bridge研究桥的结构
    • study abroad出国学习
    • study carefully仔细地研究
    • study closely仔细地研究
    • study curiously好奇地打量
    • study deeply深入钻研
    • study diligently勤奋学习
    • study earnestly认真学习
    • study extensively广泛地研究
    • study hard努力学习
    • study laboriously刻苦学习
    • study minutely详细地研究
    • study privately自学
    • study silently默默地研究
    • study systematically系统地学习
    • study theoretically理论上研究
    • study thoroughly彻底地研究
    • study out研究出,苦思后解决
    • study out a mystery解开奥秘
    • study out a new system研究出一套新的体系
    • study out a plan拟出一计划
    • study out a puzzle解开一个谜
    • study up为某种目的而专门阅读,查阅,钻研
    • study up on对…进行仔细研究
    • study at school上学
    • study by mail通过函授学习
    • study by oneself自学
    • study for a degree攻读学位
    • study from〔under,with〕 sb跟某人学习
    • study in college在大学学习
    • study into a matter调查某事
    • study into a subject钻研问题
    • study under a well-known professor在著名教授指导下学习〔研究〕
    • study without a teacher自学
    用作名词 (n.)
    • begin one's study开始学习
    • carry on one's study进行学习
    • complete study完成学业
    • conduct a study of进行…的研究
    • continue one's study继续学习
    • deserve further study需要进一步研究
    • devote oneself to the study致力于研究
    • do a study进行研究
    • drop one's medical study放弃学医
    • engage in study从事研究
    • finish one's study完成学业
    • focus one's study on集中精力研究…
    • further the study of进一步研究…
    • give up one's study放弃研究〔学业〕
    • make a study of研究…
    • neglect one's study忽视研究
    • promote the study of促进…的研究
    • prosecute further study从事进一步研究,深造
    • receive study得到研究
    • require study需要研究
    • stimulate the study of促进对…的研究
    • take up a study开始研究〔学习〕
    • undertake a study of对…进行研究
    • advanced study高级的研究
    • analytical study分析性研究
    • candid study公正的研究
    • careful study细心的研究
    • classical study古代文化的研究
    • comparative study比较性研究
    • complicated study复杂的研究
    • comprehensive study全面的研究
    • curious study好奇的审视
    • daily study每日的学习
    • daring study大胆的研究
    • deep study深入研究〔学习〕
    • diligent study勤奋学习
    • delightful study愉快学习
    • desperate study拼命的学习
    • detailed study详细的研究
    • economic study经济研究
    • extensive study广泛的调查
    • fossil study化石研究
    • further study进一步研究,深造
    • graduate study研究生学习
    • historical study历史研究
    • immediate study直接的调查
    • independent study独立学习
    • intensive study精深的调查
    • intimate study私人调查
    • judicial study司法研究
    • mathematical study数学研究
    • modern study近代研究
    • passionate study热情的学习
    • patient study耐心的研究
    • philosophical study哲学上的研究
    • practical study实际调查
    • proper study适当的调查
    • rational study合理的调查
    • rigorous study严密的研究
    • scientific study科学的研究
    • special study专门研究
    • systematic study系统的研究
    • time-and-motion study操作和工时的研究
    • case study个案研究,案例研究
    • feasibility study可行性研究
    • language study语言研究
    • nature study(小学课程中的)自然课
    • word study词的研究
    • after study学习以后
    • at one's study从事学习
    • by hard study通过刻苦学习
    • in a brown study在沉思中
    • under study在研究中
    • works under study研究中的作品
    • study for an artist艺术家应研究的问题
    • study in the evolution of man对人类进化的研究
    • study of classical literature古典文学研究
    • study of this phenomenon对这种现象进行研究


    studying abroad出国留学;出国学习


    1. This reference book is very useful to our study.
    2. He persisted in the study of law.
    3. His years of study were useful in his job.
    4. Physiology is the study of how living things work.
    5. She secludes herself in her study to work.
    6. She stood there in a brown study.
    7. Harry was a confounded slow study.
    8. He is a quick study.
    1. Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life.
    2. I like to study in the library.
    3. She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard.
    4. He studied himself in the mirror.
    5. He always studied to avoid disagreeable topics.


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