- Clouds covered the moon, and the wind was whistling down the chimney and rattling the shutters of the town house.
Town House
Town House.
Premanufactured modular town house building construction
Town house : architecture and material life in the early American city, 1780-1830
Life in the Swahili town house reveals the symbolic meaning of spaces and artefact assemblages
Study of improvement of traditional town house in historical area : The role of carpenters
Centres of Conspicuous Consumption: The Aristocratic Town House in London, 1200-1550
Modelling of the Net Zero Energy Town House in Toronto Using TRNSYS, and an Analysis of the Impact Using Thermal Mass
Measurement and Analysis on Indoor Thermal Environment of Town House in Southern Region of Jiangsu
Property: Stratford Town House Returns to Its Roots; Property Correspondent Marsya Lennox Looks at Former Planning Offices in the He...
Architectural Historical 4D Documentation of the Old-Segeberg Town House by Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Historica...
Architectural Historical 4D Documentation of the Old-Segeberg Town House by Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Historica...