- We should tout our wares on television.
我们应该在电视上兜售商品。 - Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan Motor Co. and Honda Motor Co. will tout their latest models at the Beijing car show tomorrow.
日本丰田、本田和日产汽车公司在昨日开幕的北京国际车展上极力推介自己的新产品。 - The politician was touted as a friend of people.
Hedgehog movement is regulated through tout velu-dependent synthesis of a heparan sulfate proteoglycan.
Structural analysis of glycosaminoglycans in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans and demonstration that tout-velu, a Drosophila ge...
Structural analysis of glycosaminoglycans in animals bearing mutations in sugarless, sulfateless, and tout-velu. Drosophila homologu...
Isolation by Distance in Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Populations: dans tout BiblioVie : des articles, des livres...
« Je raconte mon histoire… et c’est l’histoire de tout le monde »
Je tiens à remercier tout d'abord M. Bertrand HEDIN, directeur de mémoire, pour son aide et son attention tout au long de la réda...
Feature-rich part-of-speech tagging with a cyclic ...
Glucolipotoxicity: Fuel Excess and β-Cell Dysfunction
The distribution of low-mass stars in the Galactic disc
Minireview: Secondary beta-cell failure in type 2 diabetes--a convergence of glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity