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英 [fləʊn]

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美 [floʊn]

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  • v.

    飞( fly的过去分词 );飞行;(旗)飘荡;过得快

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • two-winged insects characterized by active flight
      • flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent

        同义词:tent-flyrainflyfly sheettent flap

      • an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth

        同义词:fly front

      • (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air

        同义词:fly ball

      • fisherman's lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
    • v.
      • travel through the air; be airborne

        "Man cannot fly"


      • move quickly or suddenly
      • fly a plane


      • transport by aeroplane

        "We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America"

      • cause to fly or float

        "fly a kite"

      • be dispersed or disseminated

        "Rumors and accusations are flying"

      • change quickly from one emotional state to another

        "fly into a rage"

      • pass away rapidly


      • travel in an airplane

        "she is flying to Cincinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying?"

      • display in the air or cause to float

        "fly a kite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N."

      • run away quickly

        同义词:fleetake flight

      • travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft

        "Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic"

      • hit a fly
      • decrease rapidly and disappear


    • adj.(British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked



    flown away v. 流逝


    1. Summer has just flown (by).


    Skeletal muscle gene expression in space-flown rats.
    A comparison of distances flown by different visitors to flowers of the same species
    Waser, N. M. A comparison of distances flown by different visitors to flowers of the same species. Oecologia (Berlin)
    Morphological and molecular changes of maize plants after seeds been flown on recoverable satellite
    On the total ozone depletion over Greece derived from satellite-flown and ground-based instruments
    Analyses of plasma for metabolic and hormonal changes in rats flown aboard COSMOS 2044
    Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field
    The functional state of gastro intestinal organs of rats flown on the bio satellite cosmos 1129
    In-flight and postflight changes in skeletal muscles of SLS-1 and SLS-2 spaceflown rats
    Estimation of a Model of Entry in the Airline Industry