Asymmetric wettability of nanostructures directs leidenfrost dropletsSingle cell swimming dynamics of Listeria monocytogenes using a nanoporous microfluidic platform.Asymmetric Wettability Directs Leidenfrost DropletsLength scale of Leidenfrost ratchet switches droplet directionality.Hydrodynamic trapping for rapid assembly and in situ electrical characterization of droplet interface bilayer arraysALD TiO2-Al2O3 Stack: An Improved Gate Dielectrics on Ga-polar GaN MOSCAPsAsymmetric Wettability Directs Leidenfrost DropletsProteolytic degradation of SCOP contributes to activation of ERK/MAPK and memory formationPRODUÇÕES DE ÁCIPDroOduçAõeCsÉdeTáIcCidOo a,céEticToA, eNtaOnoLl e dEosDisOômSeroIsS..Ô. MEROS ÓTICOS D5O03 ÁCIDO LÁTIC...Erratum: Asymmetric wettability of nanostructures directs leidenfrost droplets (ACS Nano (2013) DOI: 10.1021/nn405585m)