Utopian totalism versus utopian realism: a reply to Darren Webb
Cult and Anticult Totalism: Reciprocal Escalation and Violence
Religious Totalism: Gentle and Ungentle Persuasion under the First Amendment
Religious totalism, violence and exemplary dualism: Beyond the extrinsic model
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism (Book).
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism by Robert Jay Lifton
Thought reform and the psychology of totalism: A study of "brainwashing"in China.
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism : A Psychiatric Study of Brainwashing in China / R.J. Lifton
Communist Manipulation of Behavior. (Book Reviews: Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism; Coercive Persuasion)
Review of Thought reform and the psychology of totalism: A study of "brainwashing"in China and Coercive persuasion: A socio-psychol...