Total IgE
Polymorphisms in IL13, total IgE, eosinophilia, and asthma exacerbations in childhood.
In utero exposure to lead and cord blood total IgE. Is there a connection?
The association of age, gender and smoking with total IgE and specific IgE.
Contribution of dust mite and cat specific IgE to total IgE: relevance to asthma prevalence.
Total IgE and Asthma Prevalence in the U.S. Population: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2...
Prenatal prediction of infant atopy by maternal but not paternal total IgE levels
Association of skin test reactivity, specific IgE, total IgE, and eosinophils with nasal symptoms in a community-based population st...
The C-159T polymorphism in the CD14 promoter is associated with serum total IgE concentration in atopic Chinese children.
Skin prick test reactivity to common aeroallergens in relation to total IgE, respiratory symptoms, and smoking in a general populati...