用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- toss the ball投球
- toss the boat使船颠簸
- toss a coin投硬币
- toss salad拌色拉
~+副词- toss accurately准确地投
- toss angrily愤怒地投
- toss arrogantly高傲地投
- toss carelessly粗心地投
- toss freely随意地抛
- toss indiscriminately不加区分地投
- toss ineffectually效果不佳地抛
- toss ingeniously巧妙地抛
- toss nervously紧张地抛
- toss serially连续地摇荡
- toss unexpectedly意外地摇荡
- toss vigorously强有力地颠簸
- toss off迅速或轻而易举地完成
- toss up调制,匆忙准备
~+介词- toss for向空中掷钱币以决定
- toss into把…投入
- toss on把…扔到…上
toss in[新西兰俚语]放弃;结束
toss and turn辗转反侧;翻来覆去难以入睡
argue the toss对(决定)提出异议(或辩论);争论已决定的事,作无谓的争执
toss a coin抛硬币决定问题;掷硬币猜正反面的赌博
toss off一饮而尽
toss up掷钱币决胜负;匆匆准备
- The decision depended on the toss of a coin.
那项决定是靠掷硬币的方法做出的。 - The first toss here would appear to favor Candida.
- The children tossed the ball to each other.
孩子们互相把球扔来扔去。 - My husband was tossing and turning all night.
Does Generalized Social Trust Lead to Associational Membership? Unravelling a Bowl of Well-Tossed Spaghetti
Of black swans and tossed coins: is the description-experience gap in risky choice limited to rare events?
Tossed and Turned: Wealth Dynamics of U.S. Households 2007-2009
Poker game using tossed balls
Melting pot or tossed salad? Implications for designing effective multicultural workgroups
Numbers of natural teeth, diet, and nutritional status in US adults.
Reproductive patterns and social organization of the communal Guira Cuckoo (Guira guira) in central Brazil.
A tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition
A tutorial on Hidden Markov Model and selected Applications in Speech Recognition
Primary care: balancing health needs, services and technology