flexure strength n. 抗弯强度,褶曲强度
- Yield strength, initial flexure and length-to-diameter ratio of corroded reinforcing bars have been taken into the consideration of the analysis of the capacity degeneration.
How to design flexure hinges
Corner-Filleted Flexure Hinges
Isostasy and flexure of the lithosphere
Gravity anomalies and flexure of the lithosphere at mountain ranges
Analysis and design of polysilicon thermal flexure actuator
Appalachian thrusting, lithospheric flexure, and the Paleozoic stratig...
Design, Identification, and Control of a Flexure-Based XY Stage for Fast Nanoscale Positioning
Controlled Room-Temperature Positioning of Individual Molecules: Molecular Flexure and Motion
Repair of sublethal radiation injury after multiple small doses in mouse kidney: an estimate of flexure dose.
Large Elastic Deformations of Isotropic Materials. VI. Further Results in the Theory of Torsion, Shear and Flexure