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英 [st'rɔ:brɪz]
美 [st'rɔbrɪz]


  • n.

    草莓( strawberry的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • sweet fleshy red fruit
      • any of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry
      • a soft red birthmark

        同义词:strawberry markhemangioma simplex



    strawberry juice草莓汁,草莓果茶

    strawberry jam草莓酱,草莓果酱

    strawberry ice草莓冰

    strawberry ice cream草莓冰激凌

    wild strawberry野草莓;泡草莓


    1. She dished the strawberries into the bowl.
    2. English strawberries usually come in in late June.


    Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of strawberries.
    Influences of vermicomposts on field strawberries: 1. Effects on growth and yields
    An Array of Uses: Expression Patterns in Strawberries, Ebola, TB, and Mouse Cells
    Influences of vermicomposts on field strawberries: part 2. Effects on soil microbiological and chemical properties.
    Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of strawberries, spinach, red wine or vitamin C in elderly women.
    Experimental Studies on Predation: Predation and Cyclamen-mite Populations on Strawberries in California.
    Postprandial plasma carotenoid responses following consumption of strawberries, red wine, vitamin C or spinach by elderly women
    Content of flavonols and selected phenolic acids in strawberries and Vaccinium species: influence of cultivar, cultivation site and ...
    Edible coatings to improve storability and enhance nutritional value of fresh and frozen strawberries ( Fragaria × ananassa ) and r...
    Cao G, Russell RM, Lischner N, Prior RL. Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of strawberries, spinach, red wine o...
    上一篇:straw vote