Deliberate metaphors? An exploration of the choice and functions of metaphors in US-American college lectures
Generation, representation and flow of phase information in structure determination: recent developments in and around SHARP 2.0
Refinement of severely incomplete structures with maximum likelihood in BUSTER–TNT
Data processing and analysis with the autoPROC toolbox
Exploiting structure similarity in refinement: automated NCS and target-structure restraints in BUSTER
Exploiting structure similarity in refinement: automated NCS and target-structure restraints in BUSTER
Transposon Tn5090 of plasmid R751, which carries an integron, is related to Tn7, Mu, and the retroelements.
Detection of pseudorabies virus DNA sequences by the polymerase chain reaction
Studies on mire vegetation in the Archaean area of South-Western Gotaland (South Sweden). IV. Benthic algae and their distribution o...
Experimental charge density study of methylammonium hydrogen succinate monohydrate. A salt with a very short O-H-O hydrogen bond