- The teacher took up the lesson where she left off yesterday.
老师继续昨天的课往下讲。 - At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.
六十岁时,他开始学俄语。 - The troops took up offensive positions.
部队已准备发起攻击。 - He married an English woman and took up his residence in London.
他与一名英国女子结婚并且定居在伦敦。 - The boatman took up the pole and shoved the boat off.
船夫拿起了篙子,把船撑离了岸。 - The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗英国统治者。 - They took up arms in defence of their country.
他们拿起武器保卫祖国。 - The judge took up the gavel with solemnity.
Слун, илиРазныеслунскиеисторииАндреяЛубенского
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