Intonation: Tonetic stress marks levels configurations
Intonation: Tonetic stress marks versus levels versus configurations
Tonetic Sound Change in Taiwan Mandarin: The Case of Tone 2 and Tone 3 Citation Contours1
Continuous Linguistic Tonetic Representation using Polynomial Residuals
Linguistic-Tonetic Differences in Target-Tone Realisation: Standard vs Kagoshima Japanese
Explanations of the Tonetic Variation in Xiamen, Suzhou, and Qingyuan(Zhukou) Dialects
Hong Kong Cantonese Citation Tone Acoustics: A Linguistics Tonetic Study
Same tone, different category: linguistic-tonetic variation in the areal tone acoustics of chuqu wu
Osaka and Kagoshima Japanese Citation Tone Acoustics: A Linguistic-Tonetic Comparative Study
Categorical perception of speech intonation contour: The psychoacoustic basis of tonetic categories