Backlash effects for disconfirming gender stereotypes in organizationsNurses' confirming/disconfirming responses to patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.Schizotypy, taxometrics, and disconfirming theories in soft scienceRawlings, Williams, Haslam, and ClaridgeCortical potentials evoked by confirming and disconfirming feedback following an auditory discriminationDisconfirming communication and self-verification in marriage: Associations among the demand/withdraw interaction pattern, feeling u...Expectancy confirmation in spite of disconfirming evidence: The case of price increases due to the introduction of the EuroExpectancy confirmation in spite of disconfirming evidence: The case of price increases due to the introduction of the EuroRational processing or rationalization? The effect of disconfirming information on a stated religious belief.Promotion has a negative effect on brand evaluations—or does it? Additional disconfirming evidence.Cognitive models of stereotype change ☆ : 3. Subtyping and the perceived typicality of disconfirming group members