flange connection法兰接头;法兰联接;凸缘联接
flange plate凸缘板
top flange上翼缘;上凸缘
flange width法兰宽度;凸缘宽度;轮级宽度
bolted flange栓结法兰;联接法兰;螺栓结合凸缘
flange joint凸缘接合
bottom flange[建筑]下翼缘;[电子]下阀盖
blind flange[建]盲板;堵塞法兰
flange thickness轮缘厚度;法兰厚度
wheel flange轮缘,轮凸缘
connecting flange连接法兰;联接凸缘
welding neck flange对焊法兰
Retaining catheter having resiliently biased wing flanges
Sealing device for sealing annular space of e.g. cable, has push plates and/or press flanges for applying pressing forces on sealing...
Body for car, has cross beam arranged between two B-columns and supported at B-columns by attachment elements, where attachment elem...
On Random Graphs I
Material rate dependence and localized deformation in crystalline solids
Electrical properties of solid oxide electrolytes
Active control of vibration
Implant-retained mandibular overdentures with immediate loading: a prospective study of ITI implants
Integrated movable micromechanical structures for sensors and actuators
The fine structure of the axon and growth cone of the dorsal root neuroblast of the rabbit embryo.