- Forward walks sluggishly along the riverside, flanerie walks.
Flanerie for Cyborgs
Wartime Flanerie: The Zucca Controversy
Jakarta Flanerie : selected writings of Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Flanerie of Criticism: Shanghai Modernists' Spatial Practices and Visual Language
L'interpretazione dei luoghi. Flanerie come esperienza di vita
Women in the City: Female Flanerie and the Modern Urban Imagination
Strassenrausch : Flanerie und kleine Form : Versuch zur Literaturgeschichte des Flaneurs bis 1933
Utópicas cidades de nossas andan?as: flanerie e amizade no acompanhamento terapêutico
Strolling with Houellebecq: The Textual Terrain of Postmodern Flanerie
The Flaneur, the Flaneuse, and the Hostess: 1 Virginia Woolf's (Un)Domesticating Flanerie in Mrs. Dalloway