ClassicismDiscobolus - - art.DISCOBOLUSBiochemical Systematics of the Catostomid Genus Catostomus: Assessment of C. clarki, C. plebeius and C. discobolus Including the Zun...Maturity and Fecundity of the Bluehead Sucker, Catostomus discobolus (Catostomidae), in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1975-76Taxonomic Relationships of the Zuni Mountain Sucker, Catostomus discobolus yarrowiEvaluation of Pit Tag Loss and Tag-induced Mortaility in Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus Discobolus)Status and Structure of Two Populations of the Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus) in the Weber River, UtahDistribution and Notes on the Biology of Zuni Bluehead Sucker, Catostomus discobolus yarrowi, in New MexicoIn the shadow of Myron: the impact of the Discobolus on representations of Olympic sport from Victorian Britain to Contemporary China.