flake graphite片状石墨
flake off剥落
flake ice片冰,冰屑;薄片冰
snow flake雪花;雪片
- Look over the rail on any pier, and the rust is inch-thick and flaking from its girders.
Effect of Steam Flaking of Corn and Sorghum Grains on Performance of Lactating Cows 1
Early use of pressure flaking on lithic artifacts at Blombos Cave, South Africa.
Flaking and extrusion as mechanical treatments for enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction of oil from soybeans
Invited Review: Summary of Steam-Flaking Corn or Sorghum Grain for Lactating Dairy Cows
Sepsis and major abdominal surgery lead to flaking of the endothelial glycocalix
Flaking corn: processing mechanics, quality standards, and impacts on energy availability and performance of feedlot cattle
Polymorphism of the 5′-flaking region of the human tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α gene in Japanese
Starch availability in vitro and in vivo after flaking, steam-cooking and popping of wheat.
Flaking failure in rolling contact fatigue caused by indentations on mating surface (III) : Mechanism of crack growth in the directi...
How do stone knappers predict and control the outcome of flaking? Implications for understanding early stone tool technology