- Her toleration of his brazen attitude is enough to show her great tolerance.
她容忍了他厚颜无耻的态度,足以显示她的宽容。 - I have no toleration for his gab.
我不能忍受他的唠叨。 - Through toleration we learn to understand people.
我们经由包容学习了解人们。 - I think each family need toleration because it's a base of harmony.
Toleration as Recognition
Toleration as Recognition
Toleration iron supplement compositions
Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism
Clinical toleration and safety of azithromycin.
Salt toleration by plants: enhancement with calcium.
Clinical toleration and safety of azithromycin - The American Journal of Medicine
Toleration of background noises: relationship with patterns of hearing aid use by elderly persons
Toleration of high doses of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the ATLAS ...
Coadministration of voriconazole and phenytoin: pharmacokinetic interaction, safety, and toleration