Studies on Metamastophora (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta). I. M. flabellata (Sonder) Setchell: Morphology and anatomy
Watershed, reach, and riparian influences on stream fish assemblages in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion, U.S.A.
Speciation in Cave Faunas
Feeding Preferences of Tegula Funebralis and Chemical Defenses of Marine Brown Algae
Cumulative Effects of Incremental Shoreline Habitat Modification on Fish Assemblages in North Temperate Lakes
Leaf morphogenesis in flowering plants
Comparative Ecology of Bryozoan Radiations: Origin of Novelties in Cyclostomes and Cheilostomes
Behavior and Hybridization of Two Species of Etheostoma (Percidae)
Low-head Sea Lamprey Barrier Effects on Stream Habitat and Fish Communities in the Great Lakes Basin
Kinetics and mechanism of the disproportionation of uranium(V)