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英 [rɪˈpɔ:t]
美 [rɪˈpɔrt]


  • n.


  • vt.& vi.


  • vt.


  • 变形



    1. [C]报告,报道 spoken or written account of sth heard, seen, done, studied, etc., especially one that is published or broadcast
    2. [C]成绩报告单,工作鉴定书 periodical written statement about a pupil's or an employee's work and conduct
    3. [U]传闻,谣言,流言蜚语 common talk or rumour; piece of gossip
    4. [U]名声,名誉 way in which sb/sth is spoken of
    5. [C]爆炸声 explosive sound, like that of a gun being fired
    1. vt. & vi. 报告; 报道 provide information (about) or give an account (of); make (sth) known; write or give an account of (a piece of news)
    2. vt. & vi. 公布,宣布,宣告; 当记者 make sth known, especially by publishing or broadcasting; announce; work as a reporter
    3. vt. 告发; 举报 make a complaint about
    4. vt. & vi. 报到 go or be present


    report[ ri'pɔ:t ]

    • n.
      • a written document describing the findings of some individual or group

        同义词:studywritten report

      • a short account of the news

        "the report of his speech"

        同义词:news reportstoryaccountwrite up

      • the act of informing by verbal report

        "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"


      • a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing)

        "they heard a violent report followed by silence"

      • a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment

        "his father signed his report card"

        同义词:report card

      • an essay (especially one written as an assignment)


      • the general estimation that the public has for a person

        "he was a person of bad report"


    • v.
      • to give an account or representation of in words


      • announce as the result of an investigation, or announce something to the proper authorities

        "Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city"; "The team reported significant advances in their research"

      • announce one's presence

        "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"

      • make known to the authorities

        "One student reported the other to the principal"

      • be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism

        "Snow reported on China in the 1950's"; "The cub reporter covered New York City"


      • complain about; make a charge against

        "I reported her to the supervisor"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • accept a report接受报告
    • complete a report完成报告
    • confirm a report证实报道
    • deliver a report作报告
    • draw up a report起草报告
    • examine a report审查报告
    • file a report提交报告
    • give a report做报告
    • lay a report提出报告
    • listen to a report听报告
    • make a report做报告
    • make out a report起草报告
    • prepare a report准备报告
    • present a report呈递报告
    • publish a report发表报告
    • receive a report接到报告
    • spread a report传播消息
    • submit a report提交报告
    • write a report写报告
    • write out a report写出报告
    • write up a report把报告写得有声有色
    • annual report年度报告
    • confidential report机密报告
    • daily report每日报告〔报道〕
    • detailed report详细的报告
    • evil report坏的报道
    • favorable report积极的报告
    • firsthand report第一手资料的报告
    • good report好的报道
    • monthly report月份报道
    • oral report口头报告
    • positive reports正面报道
    • reliable reports可靠的报道
    • restricted report局限的报告
    • secret report秘密报告
    • tape-recorded report录音报道
    • top report绝密报告
    • unfavorable report不利的报道
    • unofficial reports非官方报道
    • verbal report口头报告
    • weekly report每周报告
    • written report书面报告
    • accounting report财务报告
    • audit report审计报告
    • incident report事件报告
    • investigation report调查报告
    • laboratory report实验报告
    • morning report早晨报道
    • newspaper report新闻报道
    • radio reports电台报道
    • school report学校的成绩报告单
    • traffic report交通报道
    • weather report天气预报
    • confirmation of the report传闻的证实
    • main points of the reports报告的要点
    • of bad report坏名声
    • report from London来自伦敦的消息
    • report of an accident事故报道
    • report on关于…的报告
    • report on a special topic专题报告
    • reports to headquarters给总部的报告
    用作动词 (v.)
    • report arrival报到
    • report discovery of a new element报道发现了一种新元素
    • report sick请病假
    • report the movements of the enemy troops报告敌军的活动情况
    • report the situation报道局势
    • report the success of a new experiment报告说一次新的试验成功
    • report these events报道这些事件
    • report adversely不利地报道
    • report annually每年一次地报告
    • report appropriately适当地报道
    • report arrogantly傲慢地报告
    • report authentically可信地报告
    • report authoritatively受权报道
    • report blandly温和地报告
    • report brazenly厚颜无耻地报告
    • report briefly简短地报道
    • report briskly语气刻薄地报告
    • report clearly清楚地报道
    • report correctly恰当地报道
    • report deftly熟练地报告
    • report dramatically戏剧性地报告
    • report exactly确切地报告
    • report explicitly清楚地报道
    • report faithfully忠诚地报告
    • report fearlessly无畏地报告
    • report finally最终报道
    • report flatly平静地报告
    • report formally正式报道
    • report gladly高兴地报道
    • report gleefully兴奋地报道
    • report graciously彬彬有礼地报告
    • report graphically形象地报道
    • report haltingly吞吞吐吐地报告
    • report impartially公正地报道
    • report inescapably不可避免地报道
    • report informally非正式报道
    • report insidiously不知不觉地报告
    • report jokingly开玩笑地报告
    • report jubilantly兴高采烈地报告
    • report mercifully仁慈地报告
    • report mournfully沉痛地报道
    • report officially正式地报道
    • report ostentatiously炫耀地报告
    • report precisely确切地报道
    • report pretentiously狂妄地报告
    • report publicly公开报道
    • report reluctantly不情愿地报告
    • report respectfully恭敬地报告
    • report sadly悲痛地报告
    • report sensationally危言耸听地报告
    • report sententiously故作庄严地报告
    • report solemnly庄严地报告
    • report sorrily遗憾地报道
    • report symbolically象征性地报道
    • report tersely简短地报道
    • report thoroughly详尽地报告
    • report unreservedly无保留地报告
    • report vaguely不明确地报告
    • report verbally口头上报告
    • report virtuously公正地报道
    • report vividly生动地报道
    • report vociferously大声地报告
    • report widely广泛地报道
    • report about叙述,对…作报道
    • report for报到…
    • report for duty报到
    • report for duty on time按时报到
    • report for work at去…报到
    • report on〔upon〕叙述,对…作报道
    • report on research work汇报研究工作
    • report on sb's movements报告某人的行动
    • report on the whole event汇报整个事件
    • report to告发…,向…报到
    • report sb to the police向警察告发某人


    report oneself去报到;到…去见某人

    report of说出对…的印象;…的报告

    report on就…作报告

    annual report年报,年度报告;年度决算;年度财务报告

    report for由于…而告发;为…作报道

    news report新闻报道,时事报告

    research report研究报告

    financial report财务报告,会计报告

    test report试验报告

    analysis report分析报告;化验报告

    report form报告式;报表形式

    special report专题报道

    case report个案报告;[医]病案报告

    investigation report调查报告书

    survey report检验报告

    report card成绩单

    inspection report检验报告

    weather report天气预报,天气报告;气象报告

    report back报告返回;传达报告

    monthly report月报;月报表



    lecture, speech, oration, address, report, talk








    report, account





    1. He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
    2. I have only reports to go on.
    3. My son got an excellent report last semester.
    4. The tyre burst with a loud report.
    1. I shall have to report this to the authorities.
    2. The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble.
    3. The press in China widely reported the event.
    4. She reported (her) having seen the gunman.
    5. You should have reported them to the police.
    6. It is time to report back for work.
    7. All representatives report (directly) to the sales department.


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    The CES-D Scale A Self-Report Depression Scale for Research in the General Population
    The sixth report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure.
    Physical status: the use and interpretation of anthropometry. Report of a WHO Expert Committee.
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    下一篇:report back