- The fellow was not as flabby as he looked and I began to fear I had met my match.
那家伙并非像他看上去那么弱。我开始担心自己是碰上了对手。 - He's got soft and flabby since he gave up running.
他停止跑步锻炼以后肌肉就松弛了。 - He's getting fat and flabby because he doesn't have enough exercise.
Fitter Students or Flabbier Standards? Thoughts and Reflection on the Findings of a Recent Chinese Fitness Study
Out of shape and getting flabbier -- $300,000 shortfall in business wing adds to projected deficits for G'town Centre
Fathers' Day Diet: THE MAN PLAN; Scots Men Are Flabbier Than Ever and at Higher Risk of Serious Illness. but Now They Can Munch Thei...
The Reorganized FAA: Streamlined or Flabbier?; More Drastic Action Is Pending in Congress
Hydro-abrasive erosion of high performance fiber-reinforced concrete
Teat rubber
Influence of storage conditions on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of Galician Kennebec potatoes (L.)
Brian Boyd responds:
Why Kids Make You Fat
Terrific at the Table