FIXT: a flexible index for XML transformation
FIXT: A Flexible Index for XML Transformation
FIXT: A Flexible Index for XML Transformation
Inhibition of the FixL sensor kinase by the FixT protein in Sinorhizobium meliloti.
A glutamine-amidotransferase-like protein modulates FixT anti-kinase activity in Sinorhizobium meliloti
Thermal disinfection device for sanitary fixture has disinfecting-water supply device and temperature sensor integrated in fixture
Considerations on the Change of the Latitudes of Some of the Principal Fixt Stars. By Edmund Halley, R. S. Sec.
Discriminatory Analysis-Nonparametric Discrimination : Consistency Properties Evelyn Fixt and J . L . Hodges , Jr .
Negative autoregulation of the Rhizobium meliloti fixK gene is indirect and requires a newly identified regulator, FixT
Genetic predisposition to bleeding during oral anticoagulant therapy: evidence for common founder mutations (FIXVal-10 and FIXThr-10...