Wage Growth Implications of Fixed-Term Employment: An Analysis by Contract Duration and Job Mobility ☆
Does Fixed-Term Contract Employment Raise Firms' Adjustment-Speed? Evidence from an Establishment Panel for West-Germany
Does Fixed-term Contract Employment Raise Firms' Adjustment Speed? Evidence from an Establishment Panel for West Germany / Erhöhen ...
On Non-Fixed-Term Labor Contract
Legislations of fixed-term contract labour in the United Kingdom
Job insecurity among fixed term contract workers, temporary agency workers and permanent workers: associations with employees attitu...
Analysis about Labour Contract with a Fixed Term
From Flexicurity to Flexsecquality? The Impact of the Fixed-Term Contract Provisions on Employment in Science Research
Fixed-term contract regulation under EU scrutiny
The Fixed-Term Contract, the Spanish Route to Flexibility? Women in the Retail Sector in the Barcelona Region