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整理:老师板报网   时间:2018-12-25   评论:    有关植树节英语手抄报内容


  我们中华民族自古就有“爱树、育树”的传统。有许多崇尚植树造林的趣闻佳话。如著名的治病种杏。三国东吴名医董奉,医术精湛,济贫善施,为人治病不收财礼。只要求治好一个病情不严重的病人,种一株杏树,治好一个重病人,种5株杏树。天长日久,他的房前屋后竟有10余万株杏树,人称“董林杏仙”。 在法国巴黎有这样一个习俗:婴儿出生要栽一棵理想树,上学时栽一棵求知树,18岁时栽一棵青春树,大学毕业栽一棵成才树,结婚时栽一棵同心树,一个人一生中平均栽活6棵树。这样,人人栽,年年栽,代代栽,栽出点点新绿,栽出片片生机,栽出不断扩大的生存空间,栽出无边无际的波涛汹涌的森林之海,那无所不在的森林,也将染绿一个国家,一个民族,染绿它的历史,染绿它的风俗习惯。植树造林是一种美德,当我们播下一颗绿色的种子,就撒下了一片五彩的希望。

  Our Chinese nation since ancient times there is "love tree, nursery trees" tradition. There are many advocates of afforestation of anecdotes. Such as the famous cure kinds of apricot. The three dongwu name Dong Feng, medical skills, poor, cure diseases don't accept lobola. Only to cure a disease serious patients, kind of an apricot tree, cure a sick person, kind of 5 strains of almond trees. Over time, he unexpectedly have more than 10 strains the almond trees behind the house, called "Dong Lin apricot fairy". Has such a custom in Paris, France: the baby is born to plant a ideal one, planted a tree of knowledge, go to school at the age of 18, a young tree, planted a tree up graduating from college, married TongXinShu planted a small tree, planted lived an average of six in a person's life tree. So, everybody plant, plant, year after year from planting, planted a little green, and planted the patches of life, out of an expanding living space, planted out endless waves of the sea, forest which is forest, green will also be a nation, a nation, green it's history, customs and habits of green it. Afforestation is a virtue, when we sow the seed of a green and a colorful piece of hope.


  Love tree is a virtue, a sentiment, a kind of culture. Everyone likes the green environment, but not necessarily everyone consciously cherish and create a "green environment". Classmates together with Korean teacher now recall our campus last year, when it rains on the playground is all water, when it's windy and dusty, of course, with the help of the township government we have now this beautiful campus, I also want to ask, the classmates have consciously to love?


  Go and see the walls all around us, leaving footprints. Is this behavior to protect the environment? In the brigade of it to all players and miao miao group members of call for:


  1, good care environment health, no littering.


  2, take good care of trees and flowers of the school.


  3, save resources, don't literally wasting water, electricity.
